Important Update: Official Statement on Erik Roan's Termination

Enroll in Adult Education

All our Adult Education classes are free, but you need to follow these steps to get started.

Here is what the registration process looks like:

1. Make an appointment to come and apply.

Click here to make an appointment to apply for evening classes. Choose a date and time to apply in person. 

2. Visit Guadalupe Center to fill out an application for enrollment.

Come to Guadalupe Center at 1385 North 1200 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116. Enter through the north entrance and look for the sign, “Educación Para Adultos.” Please arrive on time for your appointment. You do not need to bring papers (it is OK if you are undocumented) or money. Once you complete the application in person, you will be put on our waiting list (please be aware we currently have a 4-8 month waiting list).

3. We Will Notify You About Your Admission

You will receive a phone call when there is an opening with all the information about when and where your class will be.

For more information about our classes and programs, please click here.

Now accepting applications for our morning classes. Please contact Amber Christensen at or call 801.531.6100, ext. 102 to make an appointment to come and apply.